Core Business


Biopharma CDMO Services



TOT BIOPHARM (Stock code: 1875.HK)  is dedicated to becoming the industry leading and trusted biopharmaceutical best partner for global clients.
It has developed diversified strategic partnerships to provide one-stop CDMO solutions for drug development and manufacturing, which help customers to accelerate the development and manufacturing of biologics, especially in the field of ADCs.  
It has established a large-scale commercial GMP production base for biological drugs which has equipped with multiple complete upstream and downstream production lines, with a total manufacturing capacity exceeding 20,000 L, and has established an integrated platform for ADCs, which can complete key production processes such as antibodies, linker and drug substance to be completed in one place.


Center Ventures’ Role
Investment time 2010
Incubation Successes Center Ventures provides necessary support and assistance to TOT BIOPHARM in its establishment of a differentiated and complete “anti-cancer drug value chain” strategy.

Center Ventures offers timely advice on TOT BIOPHARM’s business strategy and performance management. Simultaneously, Center Ventures integrates its corporate resources to strengthen TOT BIOPHARM’s vertical and horizontal collaboration in the industry, which promotes synergies and improves the corporation’s competitiveness.
  • TOT BIOPHARM listed for Jiangsu Province Pilot Program of the Drug Marketing Authorization Holder System (MAH) in 2017, setting a precedent for Taiwanese manufacturers.
  • TOT BIOPHARM’s monoclonal antibodies production site was inaugurated in 2018.
  • TOT BIOPHARM raised US$102 million in Series B financing round in 2018.
Date Title
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